
Professional Housing Provider

Memberflow is a proud participant in the Professional Housing Provider(PHP) Designation.

The National PHP designation is a nationally recognized education-based certification program designed for Real Estate Investors to recognize the high level of knowledge and professionalism among the holders of this designation. It is sponsored and overseen by the National Real Estate Investor’s Association – National REIA.

Why obtain the PHP designation?
Only persons completing the educational requirements will be permitted to hold themselves out to the public as a Professional Housing Provider. The designee will be recognized in the form of an award certificate, pin and the right to use the designation. He or she should recognize that having a basic education in the topics outlined below will increase his or her ability to reach his goals in real estate investment. In addition, the PHP program raises investors’ level of professionalism and status in the eyes of the public and government. It also aids in encouraging legislators to think of educated investors as a larger group for political action.

How will I obtain these hours?
These hours may be obtained through local association meetings and seminars or through courses taught or sponsored by Memberflow.